About Us

The Collegian student newspaper staff

A source for Mass Communication at Delta College

About Us

The Collegian is the student newspaper of San Joaquin Delta College. The staff is composed of students in the MCOM 12 Newspaper Production courses over four levels.

Students from the MCOM 11 Newswriting class are also encouraged to write for the newspaper with approval of editors.

The newspaper is published six times a semester (a change as of the Fall 2016 semester). The Collegian publishes in a long tabloid format.

Stories for The Collegian are student pitched, reported, written and edited. All students at San Joaquin Delta College are invited to pitch stories for the newspaper. Pitching doesn’t guarantee publication.

Contributed stories are vetted by the editors, who look for quality of writing, unbias reporting, completeness and relevance to the campus community.

The Collegian newspaper serves as the core training lab for students working to earn the Associate of Arts for Transfer in Journalism. The goal, outside of earning the degree, is that students leave the Mass Communication/Journalism program at Delta College with a digital portfolio (a required element from the first class on) and professional-style clips from print and digital publication.

Former newspaper students have gone on to work at local publications, including The Lodi News-Sentinel, in broadcast, magazine and other fields, as well as graduate study in the subject.